Vienna General Information
If you're planning to travel to Vienna, you've probably got a few questions you'd like answering before you go so you can enjoy the perfect trip. We hope this information will help to answer your queries.
Useful Information
Vienna in numbers
Vienna has a population of nearly 2 million inhabitants and its metropolitan area has more than two and a half million inhabitants.
Like the majority of European countries, the official currency of Austria is the Euro.
Local time zone
The time zone in Vienna is GMT+1 in winter and GMT+2 in summer. In other words, Vienna is 1 hour ahead of the United Kingdom, 6 hours ahead of New York, and 8 hours behind Sydney.
Health insurance
Healthcare in Austria is excellent and service is available throughout the country.
If you're an EU citizen, you can receive free healthcare in Austria provided you have an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card). UK Citizens can apply for a GHIC here.
Otherwise, make sure you get travel insurance that includes coverage for medical evacuation and hospital stays.
Electricity and plugs
In Austria, the electricity supply is 220 volts (like in other European countries). The power sockets are type F with two prongs. You will need an electricity plug adaptor if you are traveling with UK or US electrical appliances.
Helpful telephone numbers
- Emergencies: 112
- Police: 133
- Prefix of Austria: +43
- Prefix of Vienna: 1