Vienna Public Holidays
What are Vienna's public holidays? When is the Austrian National Day? When do the museums close?
If you're planning a trip to Vienna, one thing to bear in mind is public holidays - both to know if and when the museums and monuments will be open, and to be able to enjoy the local festivities.
Public holidays in Vienna
- New Year’s Day: (Neujahr) 1 January
- Epiphany: (Heilige Drei Könige) 6 January
- Easter Monday (Ostermontag) variable date, in March or April
- Labour Day: (Tag der Arbeit) 1 May
- Ascension Day: (Christi Himmelfahrt) Sixth Thursday after Easter
- Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag) Sixth Monday after Easter
- Corpus Christi: (Fronleichnam) Second Thursday after Pentecost
- Assumption: (Maria Himmelfahrt) 15 August
- Austrian National Day: (Nationalfeiertag) 26 October
- All Saints’ Day: (Allerheiligen) 1 November
- Immaculate Conception: (Mariä Empfängnis) 8 December
- Christmas Eve: (Heiligabend) 24 December; everything closed afternoon
- Christmas Day: (Christfest) 25 December
- St Stephen’s Day: (Stephanitag) 26 December