Language in Vienna
What is the official language in Vienna? Do they speak English in Austria? How do I order food in restaurants?
The official language of Vienna is German. English is understood in many places, so don't worry too much about not speaking German, however, you might find that some restaurants only have German-language menus and German-speaking waiters.
As becoming fluent in German for your trip might prove a little too challenging, why not print out our helpful list of basic phrases and expressions to try out on your travels?
Greetings in German
- Hello
- Guten Tag
- How are you?
- Wie geht’s?
- Good, thank you
- Danke, gut
- Please
- Bitte
- Thank you
- Danke sehr
- Yes
- Ja
- No
- Nein
- Goodbye
- Auf Wiedersehen
At the restaurant
- I'm vegetarian
- Ich bin Vegetarier
- Breakfast
- Frühstück
- Lunch
- Mittagessen
- Dinner
- Abendessen
- Chicken
- Huhn
- Beef
- Rindfleisch
- Fish
- Fisch
- Ham
- Schinken
- Sausage
- Wurst
- Cheese
- Käse
- Eggs
- Eier
- Salad
- Salat
- Vegetables
- Gemüse
- Fruit
- Obst
- Bread
- Brot
- Noodles
- Nudeln
- Rice
- Reis
- Coffee
- Kaffee
- Tea
- Tee
- Juice
- Saft
- Mineral water
- Mineralwasser
- Tap water
- Leitungswasser
- Beer
- Bier
Days of the week
- Monday
- Montag
- Tuesday
- Dienstag
- Wednesday
- Mittwoch
- Thursday
- Donnerstag
- Friday
- Freitag
- Saturday
- Samstag
- Sunday
- Sonntag
- One
- Eins
- Two
- Zwei
- Three
- Drei
- Four
- Vier
- Five
- Fünf
- Six
- Sechs
- Seven
- Sieben
- Eight
- Acht
- Nine
- Neun
- Ten
- Zehn
Other useful expressions
- Stomach medicine
- Magentabletten
- Aspirin
- Schmerzmittel
- Left
- Links
- Right
- Rechts
- Half
- Die Hälfte
- Less
- Weniger
- More
- Mehr